Music Player

2007年12月30日 星期日

Gundam OO 2nd OP~Ash Like Snow~ CD single stickers pics

Keroro模型新品-武者Keroro & 武者Tamama 實物

pic from:

BB三國傳 08年將推出士兵(GM & zaku)??

Gundam OO NDS game

from gunota headline:
預約特典: Gundam Exia rollout colors gunpla
As part of the content of the game, there's a Gunpla Navi, which has easy to use & understand photos, tips for putting together your models better, and advice on kits. And thanks to connections with Bandai's Hobby Division, people who reserve the game will get a limited edition "Gundam Exia rollout colors" Gunpla newly created for this occasion.

2007年12月23日 星期日

BB三國傳 官方wallpaper 第5彈

Gundam OO 外傳機體 GNY-003

2月 Gunpla news

MG Nu Gundam - metallic coating version, February, 8,925 yen
BB Senshi Kakouton Giros - February, 525 yen
HG Gundam Throne Eins - February
also,武者Keroro - February